KIDS SINGER KNITTING MACHINE. vintage morse sewing machine.

Kids Singer Knitting Machine

    knitting machine

  • A machine with a bank of needles on which garments can be knitted
  • a textile machine that makes knitted fabrics
  • A knitting machine is a device used to create knitted fabrics in a semi- or fully automated fashion.


  • a person who sings
  • United States inventor of an improved chain-stitch sewing machine (1811-1875)
  • United States writer (born in Poland) of Yiddish stories and novels (1904-1991)
  • A person who sings, esp. professionally


  • (kid) child: a young person of either sex; “she writes books for children”; “they’re just kids”; “`tiddler’ is a British term for youngster”
  • A young goat
  • (kid) pull the leg of: tell false information to for fun; “Are you pulling my leg?”
  • Used as an informal form of address
  • (kid) be silly or tease one another; “After we relaxed, we just kidded around”
  • A child or young person

kids singer knitting machine

kids singer knitting machine – Caron Embellish-Knit!

Caron Embellish-Knit! Machine Kit
Caron Embellish-Knit! Machine Kit
Embellish your knit and crochet projects with fancy cords frogs and closures. Kit includes: Embellish-Knit. Machine, weighted clip, tapestry needles, practice ball of yarn, color instructions and 5 project patterns. Knit 18 feet of cording in just 10 minutes-even use lightweight fancy yarns such as eyelash and ribbon-types. Here are just a few of the possibilities for using cording made on the Embellish-Knit.: fancy or plain cording as a trim to the edgings of afghans and jackets handles and straps on purses trims for kids’ hats and sweaters braids for belts looped and braided scarves knotted mesh tote bags flower accents and more. Embellish-knit. Machine measures 5 1/2 by 4 inches.

GDMS: The Elspeth Writes a Giant Novel Edition

GDMS: The Elspeth Writes a Giant Novel Edition
Hi, friends!

Foods you like, despise, can’t eat (allergies, etc.)
I have the worst salty-sweet tooth. I love rich. I love vaguely bitter. (THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH). I love acid. I love earthy. I’m allergic to iodine, but that basically only matters if I’m consuming massive amounts of seafood (unlikely to come in a mailed package, I think?) or getting prepped for surgery.

I’m not a huge fan of nuts, and I am actually really bad about eating fancy food treats. Punsir teases me that I save my Cadbury eggs until they’re going to hatch.

Coffee vs. tea?
I drink so much tea that I should probably see the dentist more often. I love black teas, white teas and flavored teas. I think green tea tastes like icky, icky grossness in a cup, but chais are my favorite. I’m not the biggest anise fan, so I try to find teas without anise in them, and hibiscus gives me headaches, but otherwise, I am an equal opportunity tea lover.

Where do you live? (I’m thinking climate, big city/small town, etc.)
We just moved to Philadelphia after several years in the DC area. Our apartment is right on the edge of young, hip party area, but we’re still brick sidewalks and old growth trees. I love living somewhere with lots of opportunities to run, window shop and eat. There’s a ton of great restaurants in our neighborhood, and we’re just starting to discover them. While Punsir and I have been doing Weight Watchers (HELL YES DOWN THIRTEEN POUNDS), and that has stalled our foodie explorations, I think we’re going to have a great time exploring the area. I grew up not far from Philly- about 90 minutes- so it’s kind of fun to explore the city in a totally new way.

The only down side is that I work about 75 minutes from Philly, via car. I spend a lot of time in the car. BOOOOO.

Favorite yarns / fabrics?
I just, oh, god, I have such a yarn problem. I love Sundara. I love MadTosh. I love Fiberphile. I knit A LOT, and I love luxe fibers with rich handpaints. I don’t love variegated, but a tonal yarn totally has my number. I also love sturdy wools: workhorses like Ella Rae and Cascade for giant sweater production, and I love unexpected details, like 5% of camel. I’m big into the feel and hand of yarns, so I’m always looking for a new experience.

Fabric is harder. I buy fabric like a champ. A champ with a broken sewing machine. I love charm packs and jelly rolls in vintage style prints.

Crafty pursuits – knit, crochet, spin, sew, quilt, make friendship bracelets, any of these or others?
I love art: the Art Deco period, Art-Nouveau, the Arts and Crafts movement, Anglo-Japanese (like Whistler, Singer Sargent, etc.) and saturated, stylized colors. Klimt, and the like: they move me so. I love to cook and I’m fine with attempting something exotic and complicated, even if it spectacularly fails. I love to work with my hands.

Hobbies/pursuits/proclivities/passions (other than the aforementioned crafty ones, obvs)
Books, in all forms. Movies. Clothes. Food. Wine. Flowers. Jewelry. Living far, far beyond my means. (kidding about that last one)

What do you do in life? (job, career, school, family, etc.)
I’m an exhibits curator at a museum. My job is to design and put together the shows the museum displays. Right now, I have a show opening in three weeks, so I’m super busy. I love that my job not just encourages but requires me to learn as much as I can, about anything I can. It’s a really creative, mindbending kind of work: I’m just as likely to be knee deep in a fish tank as I am inside a dinosaur skeleton, or in an archive repairing a print so I can display it as I am to be working with a band saw to build a case. I really, really, really love my job.

What makes you happy?
My sweet, sweet Punsir. My friends. I make no distinction between the online and the inperson. Hot tea. Red wine. Stinky cheese. High heels. NPR. The smell of the air after it rains. Clean laundry. Heavy blankets. Antiques.

Random favorites — colors, flavors, scents, books, movies, TV, magazines, genres, time of day, motifs (foxes, bees, squirrels, owls, beavers, mushrooms, bats) etc.

My favorite color is blue: sapphire, rich, so saturated it’s almost grayblack. I love heavy jewel tones; if the color would belong in a byzantine mosiac, I’m going to love it. I wear lots of different perfumes: some floral, some oriental, some lighter and sweeter. My favorite perfume is the same as the one my mother wore as twenty years ago: a classic never dies!

I love TV: sharply crafted procedurals like The Wire or complex dramas like Breaking Bad are my favorites. I also love 30 Rock, Masterpiece Theater, Antiques Roadshow and documentaries. I am a huge, huge dork. If there’s a historical costume, I will watch it.

My favorite times of day are the quiet ones. I love early morning and afternoon. The warmth after a hot bath, the calmness of a big cup of tea and my knitting. I don’t have particularly favorite motifs, b

knitting machine

knitting machine
I have my knitting machine!

kids singer knitting machine

Singer Knitting Machine Activity Set
A kid-friendly toy knitting machine that really works; crafty kids simply thread the yarn onto the spindles and turn the crank to knit; Officially licensed by Singer, the machine makes it easy for beginning knitters to create scarves, hats, fun figures and much more; A wonderful gift, the machine produces round or flat stitch in seconds and comes with 2 balls of shiny yarn and a protective case for toting; A project book offers tons of cool ideas, and an instruction manual tells you how to make them; For ages 8 yrs. and up; 9.75Hx12.5Wx6D”; Manufacturer’s Suggested Age: 6 Years and Up